If you think you might be unexpectedly pregnant, you might feel anxiety at the many possibilities before you. It’s understandable to feel this way – but know that you are not alone. There are resources and supportive care options available to you!
As you navigate your pregnancy decision, get the information you need to make an informed decision.
Am I pregnant? – Have Your Pregnancy Confirmed by a Medical Professional
Perhaps you find out you might be pregnant through a home pregnancy test. While this is a great first step, you’ll want to confirm this through a medical-grade pregnancy test that is confirmed by a professional.
Our nursing team can do a lab-quality pregnancy test for pregnancy verification at no cost to you.
Your next steps may also require proof-of-pregnancy documentation from a medical professional, which our team can also provide to you.
Do I have a viable pregnancy? – Receive a Free Ultrasound
We know that 15 – 20 % of pregnancies do not continue to the end. We also know that 80% of miscarriages happen in the first 3 months of pregnancy. It is important to know if you have a viable pregnancy before making a decision regarding your pregnancy. Ultrasound exams answer this vital question about your pregnancy. Our nurse sonographer can help you know your pregnancies location, gestational age, and viability. Each ultrasound is reviewed by our medical director, a physician who signs off and makes the diagnosis of pregnancy for each patient.
The answers to these questions may affect what next steps are available to you given your unique medical needs. For instance, if you have a non-viable pregnancy, and are considering abortion, you may not need the procedure as you may have a natural miscarriage. It is also good to know how far along in the pregnancy you are as it will affect which abortion method is medically available to you.
Ultrasounds are also incredibly helpful to clue you in to potential complications. For example, if the pregnancy is located outside the uterus – also known as ectopic pregnancy – immediate medical attention outside typical abortion methods would be required. Any delay in treatment could cause further complications or harm.
Do I have an STI? – Get tested
If you currently have an STI it can put you at an increased risk for pelvic infection during or following an abortion procedure. Get tested to know if you have an STI before having an abortion. We can provide this testing at no cost to you.
It may also be helpful to you as you navigate your pregnancy decision to talk about your options and any potential questions with a trusted professional.
At First Care Clinic, we want you to know we are here to serve you. It’s our philosophy that you deserve to have accurate information on all of your pregnancy options so you can make an empowered, informed choice for yourself and your future. We’re here to listen and provide resources to you as you plan your next steps. Schedule your free appointment today!