
Free STD / STI Testing

If you are sexually active, then you may be at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Even if you have been using protection. While many STIs can be cured or treated with medical assistance, when left untreated they can be incredibly harmful to your health.

First Care Clinic’s medical professionals can provide STI testing for women, free of charge.

Common STI tests include:

A medical professional will also determine if the following testing is indicated:

  • Trichomoniasis
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Yeast
  • Herpes
  • HPV*
  • Pap Smear**

Annual screening for STIs/STDs is recommended for all sexually active women 25 yrs and under and for women older than 25 who have a new sexual partner or multiple sexual partners.

Schedule Free STI Testing

First Care Clinic offers testing and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Madison, WI for women, free of charge. We do not offer general medical or emergency services.

If you have severe pain in your belly, abnormal bleeding, a fever, or any life-threatening emergency please go to your nearest emergency room.

Text or call us at 608-259-1605 for an appointment. You may also contact us online.

*The HPV vaccine is recommended for 11 & 12-year-old girls and also girls/women between ages 13-26 who have not been vaccinated or completed the series. It helps prevent the types of genital HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer and genital warts. We can let you know where to get this vaccine if you have not already had it.

**A woman should have her first screening Pap smear at age 21 unless she has had a previous abnormal Pap smear. Following that, if results are normal, she should have a Pap every three years in her twenties, according to current recommendations. Women 30 years and older should have a Pap every five years if previous Paps have been normal. If any abnormal results have been found, recommendations for more frequent Pap smears will be given by the healthcare provider.

The help you need from
professionals who care.