
How do I know if I’m pregnant?

Some women do not notice early pregnancy symptoms or mistake them for something else, but by educating yourself, you can detect your pregnancy at its earliest stages. Here are some of the most common early signs of pregnancy:

  • a missed period
  • excessive fatigue
  • tender breasts
  • unusual mood swings
  • uncommon food aversions or cravings
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • backaches

If you notice any of these symptoms after unprotected sex or birth control failure, there is a chance that you are pregnant. You can come to our clinic to take a free pregnancy test to find out for sure.

How much will my appointment cost?

Since our primary concern is providing help to women in need of our support and services, we do not charge our patients for their appointments. That means your visit is at no cost to you.

I just found out I’m pregnant. What are my options?

If you just found that you are pregnant, you probably have many questions. Maybe you are not sure what to do next. Fortunately, our caring staff of professionals has helped many women who have been in your position. We can offer you information and guidance in a nonjudgmental setting, so you can know more about your options, which include adoption, abortion, and parenting.

Do you offer free pregnancy testing?

Yes, we offer free pregnancy testing in our clinic. If you believe you might be pregnant, we recommend that you take a test in our clinic.

Can I bring someone with me?

We understand that this is a stressful time in your life, and we do not want you to go through it alone. That’s why we encourage you to bring someone with you to your appointment to provide you with additional comfort and support.

How do I know if I need an ultrasound?

An ultrasound will confirm your pregnancy, determine how far along you are, and determine whether the pregnancy is viable or not (a nonviable pregnancy means there is no chance of the pregnancy continuing). Our licensed medical providers can determine if this test is needed at your pregnant test appointment or on a future date.

Will my insurance company find out about my appointment?

No. We will not inform anyone about your appointment, including insurance companies. We care about your confidentiality, so we will protect your identity, giving you peace of mind that your privacy will be guarded.

What if I don’t know my next steps?

That is okay. Actually, that is expected. Most women and men facing an unintended pregnancy are not sure what to do next. You can come to our clinic and discuss the next steps. This will include conversations about your pregnancy options so you can feel educated and empowered to make your own decision.

What is the difference between medical and surgical abortion?

A medical abortion happens at home by taking the abortion pill. The abortion pill can be taken during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, but is not safe to do so after that time.

Surgical abortion takes place after 10 weeks and is more invasive. It requires the manual dilation of your cervix and the removal of the pregnancy via suction device. It is usually more expensive than a medical abortion.

Can I Order the Abortion Pill Online in WI?

No. Wisconsin state late prohibits telemedicine abortion to protect your health. The FDA protocol also requires women see a doctor before taking the abortion pill. This is because it’s important to know how far along the pregnancy is, where it’s located, and if it’s viable before you know if you’re eligible for the abortion pill.

Is Abortion Legal in WI?

Abortion is legal in Wisconsin with the following restrictions:

  • Women must receive counseling prior to their abortion, and then must wait 24 hours before proceeding with the abortion.
  • Telemedicine abortion (ordering the abortion pill online) is not permitted in Wisconsin.
  • Minors must have parental consent before getting an abortion.
  • A woman must receive an ultrasound prior to her abortion, and the doctor must also show and describe the ultrasound image.
  • Abortions after 22 weeks gestation are illegal except when the mother’s life or health are in danger.

Do I Need an STD Test Before Abortion?

Yes, it’s important to get an STD test before a medical or surgical abortion. This is because an untreated STD can spread during either abortion procedure. Women are 23% more likely to develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease after an abortion because of untreated STDs like chlamydia and gonnorhea.

Is there support for after an abortion?

If you are struggling emotionally after an abortion and feel you need emotional support and help processing your feelings, we offer post-abortion support groups as well as one-on-one support. Email Sally at to learn more.

What is the Difference Between Open and Closed Adoption?

In a modern adoption the birth mother, child, and adoptive family have open communication and ongoing relationships defined by all parties and their needs and desires. It allows for women who may not feel ready to parent to continue to play a role in their child’s life. In a closed adoption, there is no relationship or communication between birth mother, child, and adoptive family. Birth records remain closed. This can allow women to feel they have a fresh start after the adoption.


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