It’s 2020, and the internet is everyone’s best friend. It allows you to order groceries with a few taps on your phone and have Amazon orders arrive at your doorstep within 24 hours with a simple swipe. Online shopping is an entire industry now and makes life more convenient in so many ways.
Because it’s natural to order nearly everything online, you may be wondering if you can order the abortion pill online. We understand the appeal. It’s private, confidential, and if your pregnancy is hard, it seems convenient to have the pills delivered right to your home.
However, there are many reasons you should not buy the abortion pill online:
The contents are questionable
The FDA exists to provide important regulations on drugs in the United States. When you order the abortion pill online, you run the risk of the pills coming from a different country where drugs aren’t regulated. This means there could be too much or not enough of a specific drug, increasing your risk of experiencing mild to extreme side effects.
You need a doctor’s oversight
The abortion pill is like any other medication that requires a doctor’s prescription and oversight. While some websites selling the abortion pill have doctors who will sign off on the prescription for you, it’s not as safe as having a doctor close by who can help if you experience any complications. Abortion is a serious medical procedure even if it’s done via pill, so for your safety and health, it’s important that a doctor helps you administer it correctly and provides follow-up care.
It may be illegal
While Telemedicine (the process of a doctor prescribing and guiding procedures online instead of in-person) is a growing field, it still comes with many risks. Ordering an abortion online is not legal in all 50 states, so you could face legal charges if you choose this route.
It’s not worth the cost
Taking unregulated pills can cause untold damage to your body and future health. If the pills don’t work, you’ll then need to have a surgical abortion, potentially doubling the cost of the abortion. It can also take a long time for the pills to arrive (at least two weeks), and if you’re farther into the first trimester, it might be too late for you to take them safely.
You deserve the best care
First Care Clinic offers confidential care and support because you deserve it. Our services are free and designed to help you make the best possible decision for you.
If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, don’t face it alone. We’re here for you. Contact us to schedule a free appointment today to learn about your options before taking your next step.