Being pregnant in high school doesn’t mean you’ve come to a dead end. You’re taking a detour on a new road that leads you to a new future. You’re strong and capable. With determination and a little extra assistance, you can be pregnant, graduate from high school, and go on to be successful.
Your Rights as a Pregnant Student
Federal law and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction require school districts to adjust their programs to help school-age parents and pregnant students continue their education. Wisconsin state law also prohibits public schools from denying you admission to or participation in any programs or activity because you’re pregnant, married, or a parent.
Almost 50 years ago, the government recognized the need to help pregnant and parenting students succeed. The result was a law called Title IX. It protects students in all of the academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. There can’t be any discrimination against pregnant and parenting students.
Does Your School Offer InSPIRE?
The In-School Pregnancy/Parenting Interventions, Resources, and Education Project (InSPIRE) “aims to improve the education, economic, health, and social outcomes for school-age parents and their children.” The goal of the program is to help high school-age parents graduate from high school and enroll in college. InSPIRE provides access to physical and mental health care, child care, instruction on effective parenting, and family planning.
Download and read about all of the services for school-aged parents in the Instruction and Services manual.
Are You Thinking About Abortion?
Abortion is a serious health decision and should be discussed with a medical professional. If you’ve already taken an at-home pregnancy test, you’ll want to confirm your results with free and confidential pregnancy testing at First Care.
There’s a possibility you are no longer pregnant. The Mayo Clinic reports up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. You can still get a positive pregnancy test result but not be pregnant because it takes your body a while to adjust.
Which abortion procedure you qualify for is determined by how far along your pregnancy is. The easiest way to find out is to have an ultrasound. We offer free and confidential ultrasounds that reveal how long you’ve been pregnant, if the pregnancy is growing, and where it’s located. Plus, we’ll chat with you about abortion methods, side effects you can expect, and the potential risks.
What About Making An Adoption Plan?
Sometimes, depending on your situation, having another family raise your child is better. It’s not easy, but often the hardest decisions we have to make in life turn out to be the best ones we’ve ever made.
The Wisconsin Adoption Information Center provides an information packet for pregnant women interested in learning more about adoption. The packet gives you information on the adoption process, where to begin, and what support is available to you.
As the expectant mom, you decide who you want to raise your child, what type of environment you want them raised in, and how much communication you would like to have in the future. Talk with the Center about the rights and responsibilities of the birth father too.
First Care Clinic Supports You Too
Our team at First Care also assists pregnant, school-age students. We provide pregnancy services free of charge, like pregnancy testing, ultrasound, and STI testing. We guarantee all of your results will remain confidential.
Never doubt yourself when it comes to graduating from high school even though you’re pregnant. You can do this. The staff at First Care Clinic believes in you. Text us to make an appointment at one of our convenient locations or fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
We’re confident you can succeed. Let us take this new journey with you.