The idea of being a parent may seem overwhelming or even impossible. Maybe you’re still in school, a single mother, or in a tough financial situation. We understand the responsibility of taking care of a child and the emotions that an unintended pregnancy brings.
It’s totally normal to ask yourself if you are ready to be a parent. We are here to help and let you know that if you commit to it, you can do this. It’s not impossible with the help of others.
What is Parenting Like?
No one is ever fully ready to become a mother or father. It takes courage, humility, and dedication. Just know that no one expects you to be a pro and parenthood is all about staying committed day in and day out. Parenting comes with great responsibility but also a great adventure.
There are so many organizations, like our First Care Clinic, who dedicate time and resources to helping young moms and dads like you. When you don’t know-how, we can help. Our staff is here to support you during your pregnancy and parenting journey.
If you choose to parent, we can help you with a variety of resources including: prenatal vitamins, health insurance, referral to a doctor, childbirth and parenting lessons, getting needed baby items, help with housing, and finding other resources for you in the community.
Your Adoption Option
Are you also considering adoption? If you still have doubts about parenting, placing a child up for adoption is a great option. This is a brave and selfless decision to make. It’s a way to turn your unintended pregnancy into an opportunity for a prepared family to welcome a child to their home.
Modern adoption also allows you to have whatever kind of relationship you want with your child. You can choose from an open, semi-open, or closed adoption. The choice is yours.
Where Do I Begin?
Your first step would be to talk to someone who can inform you about your options. Take your time to think through them to make an empowered decision. Our team can walk you through all your options. All of our services and resources are free and confidential.
Schedule An Appointment
Make an appointment with us to discuss your options or to receive parenting education today. We can be reached by text or phone at 608-259-1605.