What are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

There are risks to abortion, one of them being an incomplete abortion. If you are considering abortion or think you may be experiencing an incomplete abortion, here are the signs. Seek immediate medical care from a doctor if you think you have signs of incomplete abortion.

What is an Incomplete Abortion?

An incomplete abortion can occur after either a surgical or medical abortion. It can lead to serious health issues for women, and even in some cases death if not taken care of right away.

During abortion procedures, the goal is to terminate and remove all parts of the pregnancy through the vagina (whether done in a clinic or at home). If not completed properly, there may be remaining parts of the pregnancy within the uterus, resulting in an incomplete abortion.

It’s more common for incomplete abortions to happen with medical abortion, as it doesn’t require accounting for fetal parts. With a surgical abortion, accounting for all fetal body parts is the standard medical practice.

Signs of Incomplete Abortion

Some women experience one or many signs of incomplete abortion. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) here are common signs of incomplete abortion:


  • Cramping
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding lasting days or possibly weeks
  • Lower abdominal and/or pelvic pain
  • Hemorrhagic shock

What if You’re Unsure?

Maybe you’re still unsure if you are overreacting or really do show signs of incomplete abortion. When in pain, it can be hard to think straight. Call your doctor right away to be sure and receive an examination.

Incomplete abortion is one reason medical abortion with no doctor supervision can be so dangerous.

If you’re exploring the option of abortion, talk to us at First Care Clinic to learn all the risks involved. Pregnancy confirmation is needed to know what pregnancy choices you qualify for as well.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and learn about your options. You are not alone in your unexpected pregnancy.


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