Thinking about making an appointment at First Care Clinic in Madison, WI?

Here are 5 things you should know. Choosing the right clinic is important. At First Care Clinic we want you to know that we are here for you.  Our nursing staff is trained to listen and recommend the appropriate testing and/or treatment plan for your unique situation.  Our medical professionals keep your health care information…

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Why Do I Feel Sad?

If you’ve had a miscarriage, you might be feeling sad. If you were not intending to get pregnant, you might feel a combination of relief and sadness. These feelings are very common. Grieving a miscarriage can be especially hard because it’s often done privately. Likely not very many people knew you were pregnant. If you…

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Thinking About an Abortion? 5 Important Things to Consider

“I’m late. The test stick says Positive. But I can’t be pregnant. Not now. Do I need to have an abortion? What do I do?” If these are the thoughts running through your head, there’s stuff you need to know, and there’s help. You won’t have an abortion today – it doesn’t happen that quickly….

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Safe or Unsafe?

  Are you safe in your relationship? What makes a relationship healthy? Or what makes it unhealthy and even potentially dangerous? Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust, honest communication, and respect for one another. This is true in romantic relationships, friendships and family relationships. Trust, honesty and respect are needed in any type of…

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

Destiny* was pregnant and afraid to tell her family. How would they react? Would they kick her out of the house? Would they be disappointed in her or angry? Being unexpectedly pregnant and being afraid or anxious about telling parents or other family members is very common. Destiny is like many women we see in…

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Is Your Baby Safe?

Wondering what you can do to keep your baby safe? Start by following these six safety tips. (These tips are recommended by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). The JPMA sponsors Baby Safety Month each September.): Direct supervision is a sure-fire way to prevent injury: Watch, listen and stay near your child. This first rule…

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It’s My Choice. Except…

Abortion. It’s a woman’s choice, right? Legally, yes. But what if you aren’t sure that abortion is the right choice for you – and someone else thinks it is? Are you feeling pressured to have an abortion? Know that in Wisconsin, you have the legal right to make a decision about your pregnancy, even if…

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7 Tips for Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby

If you are pregnant, you are likely getting advice from all corners. Hopefully you’re getting good advice from your doctor and nurses. And then everyone from your mother, sisters and friends to that person you just met in the check-out line at the grocery store may also want to chime in. You’ll likely see ads…

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Surprising Ways Breastfeeding Benefits Mom & Baby

  We are celebrating World Breastfeeding Week from August 1-7, 2018. This celebration is to raise awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding. It is also to advocate for support of all mothers and their children in breastfeeding. This annual celebration began in 1992 and is observed in over 120 countries. It is coordinated by the…

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Need a Safe Place for a New Start?

Are you pregnant? Not sure you have a safe place to live during your pregnancy or after your baby is born? Perhaps the father of your baby does not want you to stay, now that you’ve decided to keep your baby. You might be staying with a friend or a family member. They may not…

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