
How To Support Your Friend Experiencing An Unplanned Pregnancy

No one ever anticipates an unplanned pregnancy. This can be a confusing emotional time. Supporting a friend or loved one who is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult, and maybe you are wondering how to navigate this new situation. Friendships are so important. Friends increase our sense of belonging, boost our happiness, and help…

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STI Testing Accuracy: How Accurate Are STD Tests?

The thought of being tested for an STI may sound scary and overwhelming, but it’s an important part of staying healthy! From understanding how STI testing works to knowing when and where to access it, we’re here to answer commonly asked questions about STD tests. What is an STI? Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually…

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What do I need to know if I am pregnant in high school

An unexpected pregnancy is never easy, but add in high school and your stress level goes through the roof. There are so many challenges in your life and being pregnant in high school is one challenge you never expected. It’s okay. We can help. You can move forward. So, where do you start? We’ve got…

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Wisconsin Abortion Law Changes in 2021

Headlines are full of news about abortion it seems. States across the country pass abortion legislation every year, and it can leave women with questions about whether or not they can access abortion. Here is what you need to know about the Wisconsin abortion law changes in 2021 and what they mean for you. Wisconsin…

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Can STDs Go Away on Their Own?

Many people who find out or suspect they have an STD can feel embarrassed. They’d rather hide the fact they have an STD and wonder if it will just go away on its own. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Depending on the type of STD, it can be cured or only treated, but either way,…

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How Do I Know If I Have Perinatal Depression?

Perinatal depression can affect any expectant mother. A new pregnancy is challenging in itself and depression on top of pregnancy is difficult. Your mental health is always important, but especially during pregnancy. Know that you don’t have to stay hopeless anymore. Help and hope are available as you take steps forward. We want to share…

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How Does STI Testing Work?

The thought of being tested for an STI/STD may sound scary and overwhelming, but it’s an important part of staying healthy! From understanding how STI testing works to knowing when and where to access it, we’re here to answer commonly asked questions about the process. What is an STI/STD? “Sexually Transmitted Infection” (or disease) refers…

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How to Handle Depression After Abortion

Abortion may have seemed like your only option in the moment, but now you feel the reality and weight of your decision. You are not alone; many women experience this difficult circumstance. A British Journal of Psychiatry study shares there were dramatic changes in mental health in women who had an abortion, after examining medical…

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How Will I Feel After Taking the Abortion Pill?

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and planning on taking the abortion pill, you may wonder what the process involves. As you prepare to take the abortion pill, remember while it may feel casual, it’s a serious medical procedure with potential negative side effects and risks. How does the abortion pill end a pregnancy? The…

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Will An Ultrasound Help My Pregnancy Decision?

If you’re facing an unintended pregnancy and are stuck at a crossroads when it comes to your decision, getting an ultrasound is the perfect next step in making an informed choice! Here are five reasons you should get an ultrasound scan before you make a choice for your pregnancy: confirm your pregnancy Pregnancy tests are…

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