
5 Reasons to Take Advantage of Free STD/STI Testing

Most people naturally assume if they had a sexually transmitted disease or infection, they would know. Unfortunately, they would be wrong. The truth is you could have an STD or STI and have no symptoms at all. That doesn’t mean it isn’t serious, though. Here are 5 reasons why you should never put off getting…

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What is the Abortion Pill?

It sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? Take a pill and your worries are gone. However, an abortion of any kind is a serious medical decision. Although “abortion pill” is the popular name given to this procedure by an abortion clinic, it is not one pill, and it is not as simple as you might initially…

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Pregnancy Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The constantly changing news about COVID-19 can cause a lot of uncertainty, and if you are facing a pregnancy right now it can feel even more overwhelming.   But there is good news.   According to a recent study done at Columbia University, there is currently no evidence showing pregnant women are more at risk…

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Can I Buy The Abortion Pill Online?

It’s 2020, and the internet is everyone’s best friend. It allows you to order groceries with a few taps on your phone and have Amazon orders arrive at your doorstep within 24 hours with a simple swipe. Online shopping is an entire industry now and makes life more convenient in so many ways. Because it’s…

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Why You Need An Ultrasound

If you’ve taken a positive pregnancy test, it’s important to follow up with an ultrasound. This is true even if you’re considering an abortion because it will reveal vital information about your pregnancy. The timing and location of your pregnancy both factor into what kind of procedure you can have if you’re thinking of abortion….

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Is Abortion Legal in Wisconsin?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are considering an abortion in Wisconsin, it’s important to know the current abortion laws and what restrictions might be in place. Many states now limit when you can get an abortion and you need to know the laws where you live to make a fully-informed decision. To…

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How Does The Abortion Pill Work?

If you’re considering an early termination for your pregnancy, it’s important to have all the facts so you can make a fully-informed decision. The abortion pill has an FDA protocol that must be followed to be administered safely. Here’s how the abortion pill works and other information you should know!   How the abortion pill…

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Is Fighting in a Relationship Healthy?

When you are in a relationship, you and your partner are never going to agree on everything. It would be unreasonable to expect to get along all the time. Disagreements and frustration are all a part of a healthy relationship, but how you both handle arguments is important. Continue reading to learn more about how…

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What’s the best way to know if you’re pregnant?

If you think you may be pregnant, usually the first thing you want to do is know for sure. When the stakes are this high, you want to be confident that your results are accurate. A lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound are the best ways to know if you are pregnant. Continue reading to learn…

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